Sunday, February 13, 2011

Here comes the fog...

The fog is rolling in, which means i will be falling asleep to the sound of the fog horn. There were some cool clouds over Pac Heights, and a sweet moonrise.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Not a cloud in sight...Wednesday February 9th

Moon phase, first quarter (not pictured..but was high in the sky to the left of the bridge from this view)
I am connecting more with the sunset, daily, a good routine. Hoping to begin my sadhana soon and will add the sunrise as well.

Monday February 7th

Sunday February 6th

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Saturday February 5th

Evening, February 3rd


Welcome to my blog. Through the process of capturing the view from my rooftop in the Marina District, San Francisco, every evening, I hope to engage and connect with the clouds, the water, the sun, and the earth's natural rhythms. I hope the photos bring you insight into these concepts as well. Please feel free to leave comments on your observations.

Thank you :) xo